Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Believe

It happened so suddenly.
Suddenly I was taken away.
Before I could feel the pain everything turned from night into day.
And I prayed "Please let me stay with them.
I don't want to leave my family & friends.
I can see them crying in their hands over me."

But I believe in a place where I will be
after this life to wait for my family.
I believe in a place where I will be
after this life to wait for my family.

My family won't be the same.
Now that I'm gone, their lives have all changed.
They try to remember me and realize it wasn't a dream.
Suddenly life is a memory.
I can see my mother holding on to me.
I can see my father on his knees next to me.


And as I look kneeling at my feet,
is a man who can understand the way I feel.
And as I look into His eyes I feel like I'm home again with my family.
